Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Movie The Day Before Thanksgiving?!

Every Wednesday, a colleague and I show movies at the library. Three times a month, we show a feature film; on the third Wednesday, I show an independent film. Usually, we have a fairly large audience - that is, an audience that is large enough to justify the funds that we spend on our movie license.

I have to admit, though, that I was wondering what we were thinking when we decided to show a movie today - the day before Thanksgiving. After all, most people are busy cooking, preparing to cook, dreaming of visiting rarely-seen family members, en route to their destination, or packing for the long trip. The books and DVDs that most people deem essential to the long weekend have already been borrowed, and there are few patrons in the library. When I asked the the movie-goers two weeks ago whether they'd be attending today, most people shook their heads.

I berated myself for scheduling a movie today, of all days, particularly since I've planned library programs for ten years. My experience should have taught me not to schedule programs so close to holidays! Canceling the movie was unthinkable, since fliers were posted and an announcement had already appeared in the local newspapers. I knew that we were going to have to set up the cumbersome movie equipment, only to have to remove it when the 2:00 start time passed without a single person waiting to watch the movie. I braced myself.

Instead, I was given a tremendous surprise, as fifteen people walked into the meeting room just in time for us to begin the movie. Have they already cooked their sweet potatoes, string bean casserole, or cranberry relish? Are their houses already cleaned for their guests? Or maybe they're traveling to their children's homes early tomorrow, bringing only a simple side dish that was prepared this morning, and are eager to do something to pass the time until they see their grandchildren again.

It doesn't matter. What is important is the fact that this program was a success, not a failure, that we've once again been able to provide an enjoyable program for our patrons, that setting up our laptop, projector, and speakers was not a waste of time. Sometimes, I guess, we are surpised. It's a great feeling. And a great way to begin the Thanksgiving weekend.

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