Saturday, May 24, 2008

Memorial Day Saturday

It's the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, and our library is open.

I have to admit that I have conflicting feelings about this. Of course, as someone who is eager to serve the public, who wants to promote the library as a source of recreation (especially considering the astronomical price of gas), I believe that the library should be open today.

That's the professional librarian in me. But there is another part of me, the wife and mother part, that yearns to be home with my family. Playing ball with my son and my husband. Pushing my boy on a swing. Taking a short drive somewhere. Chatting with my neighbors. Resting.

I can't feel overwhelmed with self-pity, though, because, after all, the workday ends at 5:00. The library is closed tomorrow and Monday. So, unlike the many unfortunate people working in retail, I will get a respite.

The librarian wins.

Yet I look around the building and notice how few people are taking advantage of our availability. I answered one reference question today. There have been few check-outs. Even computer usage has been slow, enabling me to permit those who are here to use the Internet for much longer time periods than they would ordinarily be allowed.

Is it worth being open?

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